RitaNoTiara Ltd makes every effort to ensure goods arrive in perfect condition. All orders pass through our strict quality control and are checked by a number of staff before being packed. However, in the unlikely event of a product not being delivered within 21 days from the dispatch date (Saturdays and Sundays not included) customers should advise by e-mail. RitaNoTiara Ltd will make every effort to locate the goods, and if necessary, send a replacement at our expense or provide a full refund. If goods arrive damaged in any way, customers should contact RitaNoTiara Ltd within 7 days of receipt. This does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.
The charge for post and packing is –
UK: £15.00 for first item and then £5 for each additional item – next day delivery service is used. ( From day of dispatch not date of purchase )
U.S.A. Canada & Europe: £22.25 for first item and then £8 for each additional item.
Rest of the World : £24.75 for first item and then £12 for each additional item.
There is up to a thirty working day turnaround time on most items and you will be given a dispatch by date when you place your order.
If you require your goods sooner than the timescale given above, please contact us .
You are responsible for any taxes and or duties charged by your government.